Wednesday 11 December 2019

My first year

I have been learning about how to make a movie because if we wanted to see our memories in it.
I enjoyed making the movie because of the the music and all the editing.
I found it challenging movie everything up down because it would go in the wrong place.
Next time I would the background because it can be better.

Tuesday 3 December 2019

Friday 29 November 2019

St Mary Mackillop

I am learning about St Mary Mackillop because how she was helping other people.
I enjoyed watching the video and writing the facts because I get to learn new facts about mary that I never knew. 
What I found challenging was how to do the background because it would always go over my picture.
next time I would change my title font and some of my facts.

Wednesday 27 November 2019

Super Fractions

I am learning about fractions because we haven't learnt it yet.
I enjoyed doing the answers because I like to do them and its fun.
I found challenging was how to read it because it was small.
next time I would change Question because some of them are wrong. 

Cheeseburger news report.

I am learning about a man that kept a burger fries for ten years because it was for a reading task. 
I enjoyed make this because I used lots of motion and could yell.
I found it challenging to get the recording perfect because everyone would talk over me.
 I next would change time my tone because it didn't feel right.

Cheese burger the famous Cheese burger looks ok ha it's probably ok because the man had it for about 10 years brain explosion boom!!

Monday 11 November 2019

Guy Fawkes

  • I was learning about Guy Fawkes because it was that time of year and it's good to learn some more history.
  • I enjoyed making the Guy Fawkes slide because I got to decorate them.
  • what I found challenging was remembering the facts because it was quite hard.
  • What you would change next time the facts because there was quite a lot of facts about Guy Fawkes.

Wednesday 6 November 2019

would you believe that there is a halfpipe at my school.(fake or not fake.)

I have been learning about how to know what's is  fake and what's is't fake so we don't spend lots of money.
I enjoyed doing this slides because I learned new things.
I found it challenging because there is a lot of things to do.
Next time I would change my skateboard to a different colour.       

Friday 1 November 2019

Spooky scary skeletons send shivers down your spine

Today I have been learning about... because...
I enjoyed... because...
I found it difficult... Because...
Next I would change... because...

Wednesday 11 September 2019

The of power of words

Today I was learning the power of words.

I enjoyed making new slides.

I found it challenging to find lots of gif.

My digital learning object shows what you do if someone says something mean to you on instagram or facebook

Next time I would change the pictures.       

Wednesday 21 August 2019

plastic is everywhere don’t you think that the government should ban plastic? This piece of writing will justify my opinion with three points to persuade you to think that plastic bags should be banned in New Zealand.
Plastic is killing animals that are used for food, such as pigs, cows, sheep and fish. Did you know that thousands of marine life die every year!
I’d rather use long lasting products instead of using plastic bags because most plastic bags gets littered and pollutes the soul. Like the ones that you get at supermarkets people just take them outside and throw them away just like nothing. You should stop using plastic to make the world a better place.
Using plastic is bad for animals but not only animals also people can get sick like animals. In 2018 there were millions of pieces of plastic in the oceans floating. Through this piece of writing I have shared three reasons of why plastic is bad for the environment and I have given you evidence and given an explanation of why I believe plastic is bad for the environment.       

Thursday 1 August 2019

Running Race Day

“Hoot!” As we were quickly lined in our line, one by one running. The breeze of fresh air strongly blowing through my nose and  back out through my mouth. People are beside me. They're huffing and puffing as I am running straight past them, I am also running out of breath. Once I saw  that I was already past the first group that had gone before me, I was feeling so jolly good. Don don don as I took a glimpse around me scanning the area, up ahead I could see Eva C already near the finish line. I start sprinting minutes felt like seconds, “Sione you’ve got this far there nothing stopping you now”.

Wednesday 24 July 2019

Anatomy of a Honey Bee

A anatomy of a honey bee is that it tells you the body parts of the honey bee.

Wednesday 3 July 2019

How to blow a balloon without your mouth

For the science fair I choose to do growing balloons for it,in my group there is Jordan, Fran, and I. We learnt that there is another way to blow up a balloon without using your mouth, I enjoyed doing this science project because you get to learn more things like that baking soda and white vinegar makes a chemical reaction that gas that blows the balloon up. 

Tuesday 2 July 2019

Forbidden Forest

In the forbidden forest there are lots of beautiful creatures like butterflies, reindeer, horses and wolves. When you look around there are lots of beautiful trees there. Like you would never imagine the colours of the trees are rainbow. One midnight an owl and a wolf woke up at the same time. They were getting chased by a wizard that was trying to kill them. Then they went running in the forbidden forest! The wizard had also gone in there. When they had lost the wizard they looked down below and there was a rainbow flowing stream that would shine straight back into your eyes. An owl came flying straight down like the flash. It has long feathers, is black and white and her eyes are red. The wolf has long and sharp teeth even sharper than a shark's teeth. He has scars all along his eyes, shaped in a x on his black and brown fur. There is a wizard who is wearing a blue robe, and has lots of facial hair.

Finally the wolf and the owl found each other they went running and flying straight down to the lake. They quickly go and have a drink. boom!
“Owl!” Said wolf. “Get your head out look and at the water! It’s ice now. Look over there is that a wizard?”
“Run!” Owl whispered quietly. Huffing and puffing as wolf and owl went zooming through the trees. Once owl and wolf looked behind them the wizard was also zooming through the trees on his super fast broom. Ting! Owl had a very brilliant idea. Since it was a wizard she thought that there was a potion that could kill him. Boom! They had ran straight into a door. Once they had got up they looked all around. When wolf looked straight ahead in the corner of his eye he saw a potion that said, ‘wizard death’. Snatch! They took the potion started running. The wizard appeared so they threw the potion over him and he melted into smithereens.

“We should work together more often.” Mentions Owl.
Together they shout. “Team work!”

Thursday 27 June 2019

How to play musical clocks

What you need:

  • A musical clocks paper
  • A music clocks worksheet 
  • A pencil
  • two watches
  • music

What to do:

First you get a pencil and a pace of paper then you go back to your desk.
Then you stand at your and then the teacher will play some music.
Next when the teacher plays the music you have to dance to the music.
During the first desk that you stop on you have to write what that time says.

Finally you swap tables and then do everything again.

Wednesday 26 June 2019

24 Hour Footprint: Digital Map

Today I was learning how to make a digital map.
I enjoyed learning how to view my history.
I found it hard to get on this because there was so many steps to do.
My 24 hour digital footprint map shows me where I have been on google.
Next time I would change some things on my digital map.

Thursday 13 June 2019

Nau mai, haere mai ki tēnei taonga

Nau mai, haere mai!
Welcome to my blog for learning.
I look forward to sharing my learning with my school,
my whānau and friends everywhere.