Thursday, 10 December 2020

What Christmas means to me

Today I'm blogging what Christmas means to me. Hope you enjoy.

What does Christmas mean to me? To me Christmas means that I can spread joy full out my family and friends. I mostly go to church on Christmas days. Well everyone knows that Christmas is not about getting presents it is about giving to one another and also about celebrating Jesus’s birthday and to remember what he did and also what he gave up.That is what Christmas means to me.

Thursday, 3 December 2020

Ice Candle

Hi today I'm going to tell you about what the whole did for fake tuhituhi (writing). 

Equipment, what we needed was 1. One pack of Ice, 2. We used a old milk cartoon, 3. A old candle and new candles, 4. Also we used a pan that was heated, 5. Scissors, 6. cooking oil.  The Steps: Step 1, get the old cartoons and the scissors then cut the top off of the cartoons. Step 2, get the oil and pour it into the cartoon then spread it around. Step 3, melt the old candles in the pan. Step 4, add the new candles in the centre of the old milk cartoon place the Ice surrounding it  then add the melted candle wax and poor ti into  the cartoon. Step 5, then leave it to seattle for about 24 hours. 

During the experiment the melted candle wax smelt nice, then after the teacher poured the wax in the Ice cartoon it splashed all over there was a big ish burning sensation.


Tuesday, 1 December 2020

November Reflection

Today I have been reflecting  on what I have done during november. What I needed to do was wr down what the problem of the month in maths and plenty more. I really enjoyed looking back at what I did.I am very sorry for not blogging it's just that last week we had nothing to blog.

Friday, 13 November 2020

Second Art color in

 Today for cybersmart we are learning how to use color in art on our chromebook. The first step I did was go on cybersmart on our learning hub. Then I went to the link watched all of the videos and learnt how to color in the picture and download it onto my blog. That's when I got into the coloring, It was quite hard to pick the picture that I wanted. Hope you enjoy, blog you later.

                                                            Colored in by: Sione



Art colorin

Today for cybersmart we are learning how to use color in art on our chromebook. The first step I did was go on cybersmart on our learning hub. Then I went to the link watched all of the videos and learnt how to color in the picture and download it onto my blog. That's when I got into the coloring, It was quite hard to pick the picture that I wanted. Hope you enjoy, blog you later. 

                                                                  Colored in by: Sione

                                                             Colored in by: Chicen itza


Thursday, 12 November 2020

Recruit Task

 Today at near the end of the day I did a recruit task for reading and I also want to blog another blog post. It was tricky for me  to draw the outline of my drawing. It was easy for my to colour in the logo and the barcode. Hope you enjoy my drawing.  

Wednesday, 11 November 2020


This week on monday our teacher went to a teacher meeting at another school in the afternoon. She gave us some art to do and it's lots of circles together and we had to do lots of different patterns. It was tricky to think of different patterns, It was easy for me to draw the patterns in the circles.\

Recruit Task

 Today I have been working on one of my recruit tasks. it was to draw a picture of fort harmony because that is a building that one of the characters in the book went in. It was tricky for me to do the detail but it still doesn't look that great, It was easy for me to do the welcome sign in my drawing.


Tuesday, 10 November 2020

Spooky house

 Yesterday and today I've been working on a spooky house made out of coloured paper. It was tricky to screech the picture out of my mind that I had. It was easy for me cut my drawing from the colored paper.       What inference means to me is to look for evidence to support the answers, like a detective.  The house has been for sale for years ever since that old crazy scientist died. 

Friday, 6 November 2020


This week is Guy Fawkes week but it is also known as Parihaka. This week for reading my class did a task about Parihaka. We had to find 8 fact cards about Parihaka and made the facts into a feathers. I will tell some part of the history. It is about two Maori chiefs called Te-whiti-o-Rongona and Tohu. They were trying to protect their village from the pakeha who were trying to take their land. I hope you enjoyed that little part of the Parihaka history. 

Updating My Camp Goals

 Last week we came back from Tui Ridge camp in Rotorua this week we are updating on our camp goals on what I'm proud of. It was easy to past it on my blog. My digital learning object shows that I can make new friends wherever I go.

Thursday, 5 November 2020

October Reflection

 Today I'm doing my october reflection on what I did during october. It was tricky remember about my letter to the council. It was easy to take selfie and do my athletics. My digital learning object shows that I reflect on the past.


Letter to a parent who came on camp

 Last week myself room 1, room 2, room 3, went to Tui ridge camp for last week that was why I could not comment on anyone's blog. This week our task was to write a letter to a parent helper in you group when you were at camp so this is my letter.

                                                                                                                                                                            Sione  F

40 Campion Rd


Dear Tracey,

I am writing to you to thank you for the effort you put into our camp and our camp group.

I’m very sure that everyone in our group and in other groups enjoyed your company as well because you were helping with the flying fox, and helping with cleaning up lunch when another group was on for lunch. 

One of my favourite highlights in my favourite activity was the flyfox! Once I got up with my harness then started zooming down I was also singing songs like “I came in like a Wrecking ball” and “Before you go.” After I hit the tyres I got a huge wedgie. 

But once again thank you for helping on our Year 5&6 camp. We all enjoyed your company, especially me. You're the best helper for 2020.

Ngā mihi

Sione F


Monday, 2 November 2020

Tui Ridge Camp Photos

 Last week all the year 5&6's went to Tui Ridge Camp for the hole week. Even when we got there we had some fun and not so fun activities. Through the week a lot of people pushed themselves out of comfort    zone. We got back on friday last week so on the next monday at school we had to take photos from camp and make it into a video, I used wevideo.


Thursday, 22 October 2020

Jungle Law

 This week my group green lanterns are reading a book called jungle law. We are aspost to rewrite a text from one page of the book jungle law. It was tricky for me to edit the text to make it look like geronimo stilton. It was easy for me to find positive pictures to use.

Wednesday, 21 October 2020

Camp Rules 2020

 On the first week of term we have had a few camp meetings. One of those meetings is about our Tui Ridge camp rules so we know that we can be safe when at Tui Ridge. But like I said in my previous blog post about Tui Ridge, we are going there next week on tuesday. My digital learning object shows that I can make good rules and good choices and stick to them.

Camp Goals 2020

 Next week I'm going Camp at Tui Ridge near Rotorua. Today I am my camp goals for Tui Ridge it's social goals, Personal goals, and our Reflection but for our reflection I'm aspost do it when we get back from Tui Ridge. My learning object shows that I can  write down my goals before I ever go camping or even do anything.

Friday, 16 October 2020

Apple Tree Delima

 This week for reading green lanterns are reading the Apple Tree Delima. We are aspost to pick a word that we think is the best to describe  the dad from the story. We are also aspost to contrast the dad character and another dad character from tom gates.

It was very tricky for to find out a very good why do it.

It was easy to write the difference between Jill's dad and Tom's dad.


Letter to the Editor

 Today for writing I'm doing a letter to the Editor. So it is basically when you get a newspaper on one page it will say that letter to the Editor. So that is why I'm writing letter to the Editor about our Rerenga awa.

It was easy for me to know what I was going write down.

It wasn't really tricky for me for the letter to the Editor.

Here is my letter I wrote to the Editor.

Dear Editor

I believe that at Saint Mary's School we are trying our best in planting New Zealand native trees and bushes to encourage native bugs and birds to breed in the Rerenga Awa. We are also trying to make our awa nice and clean so freshwater life can live there. But we can’t do that because Saint Mary’s School has tried to contact the council to get rid of all of the blackberry growing on the river bank. But they aren't responding in any way. I firmly believe that the council should come and clean up the blackberry in our Rerenga Awa so we can keep planting more native trees.



 Yesterday for cybersmart we had to do two tasks to blog I did my first so now I'm doing my second. Room 1's task was to do Artnet, it's basically when you take one photo and it makes it into 4 different colored photo's.

It was easy for me to follow the extractions on Artnet.

It was tricky for me to find the photos I sent in my folder.


Wednesday, 14 October 2020

Pop Art

Today for Cybersmart room 1 has a task to do, it is a pop art. Our task is to take one photo and use LunaPic to change the color of the photo. 
Step 1: click the LunaPic link then click on upload photo.
Step 2: Once you have your photo click on Art, Filters, or Effects.
Step 3: And then you can choose what ever color you want. 

It was quite tricky to find different colors that look good, amazing, and different.

It was easy to download my pictures onto a google drawing and post on my blog.

Tuesday, 13 October 2020

Showing Service

 Today is the first day of term 4. During litagry we had a task to do on our term value witch is Service I did a google drawing about it.

For me it was hard to find a good picture with dishes in it.

It was easy for me to write a title that showed where they were.

I hope you enjoy.

Blog you later.

Thursday, 24 September 2020

Five free things that you can do in Gizzy

 This week for cybersmart we have been using tour builder. we had to use it to find 5 things to do free in Gizzy.

I found it easy to mark all the places and name them.

I found it tricky to upload it on google slides.

The Mossie

On Tuesday we started this new web sight it's called Book Creator we were supposed to do it on our reading book so I did. The book is called The Mossie:...

I found it easy to write the Maori words down. And find out where to find them and what they mean.

I found it tricky to add most of the background because it was hard to find catchy one's.


Sione's Room 1 September Reflection Newsletter

 Today I was reflecting on what I have done during september. like what I've been reading and also what 

I have improved on.

I found it easy to take selfie with nothing in the background that so no one would see anything.

I found it tricky to come up with something we did for enviroschools in september.  

Tuesday, 15 September 2020

The Recruit

 Last week for reading I have been doing a Recruit task. The task was to draw a boy called james wearing a girls high tie.

I found it tricky to draw the Recruit sign.

I found it easy to draw james wearing a girls high tie.


 For the past two days I have been working on a recruite task. My task was to make a poster of a CHERUB sign.

I found it easy to create the background.

I found it tricky to find most of the picture pngs. 

Thursday, 10 September 2020

Writing a Speech

 This I have been writing a speech on why tonga is a good place to spend your holiday. I am writing a speech because every year our school has a speech competition to see which student speech is the best.

I found it tricky to find a great quiet place where nobody would talk.

I found it easy to do my screecastafi but it took me three tries together right. 

I enjoyed doing saying this speech very well. Have you ever done a speech at your school.

Listen to my speech here.


Thursday, 3 September 2020

August Reflection Newsletter

 This is my August reflection newsletter, I do this every end of the month to reflect on my learning and what  I have done and still need to learn during August.

I found it easy to write about enviroschools and what subject that I have grown in.

I found it tricky to find out what I could use for my trivia questions.

My digital learning object shows that I can reflect on my learning during the months.

Wednesday, 2 September 2020


 Last week I was learning to make a wevideo online. it was for cybersmart.

I found it easy to find good pictures and good background in my wevideo.

I found it hard to add my voice in at the end without anyone making noises in the background.

My digital learning object shows that I can use wevideo to edit my videos.



This week we have been reading a book online called Frogs for reading in school. It was about a boy who was in a junk yard and he was looking for junk pieces. A gang found him and he couldn't get back home. It was a Graphic Novel. We had to write Part 2. We made it into a Graphic Novel. We worked in buddies and my buddy was Kharn. 

I found it easy to find all of the speech bubbles.

I found it tricky to come up with all of the sentences and figure out the order I was going to put them in.

My digital learning object shows that I can make a Graphic Novel on Google Slides uysing speech bubbles, background , pictuers and text boxes.

Sacrament Word Wall

Yesterday and today for matauranga whakapono which is R.E, I and my buddy kharn were work on a doces together putting all the sacraments in order.

I found it tricky to write down all the meanings of the sacraments.

I found it easy to find different sunset backgrounds in my gif.

Monday, 31 August 2020

Tracey Tawhiao Art

 For the past few weeks I have been doing art by Tracey Tawhiao.

I found it tricky to colour and all the paragraphs and leave lines between some of them.

I found a easy to research different patterns.

learning object shows that I can use newspaper in my art if I have no normal white paper.

Friday, 21 August 2020

Ruru Art

Last week I was doing owl art by John Bevan Ford.

I found it tricky to blend my colours in my owl art.

I found it easy to draw Maori patterns on my owl art.

My digital learning object shows that I can blend colours in my art to make it look better.


Sacrament of Initiation

 Yesterday and today I was doing a slide on sacrament of initiation R.E. The hole class had to finish it from Thursday to Friday.

I found it tricky to remember the rituals to the eucharist, confirmation and baptism.

I found it easy to find pictures that represent the Eucharist, confirmation and baptism.

My digital learning object shows that I can remember the sacrament of initiation by using google slides.

Thursday, 20 August 2020

Extinct native birds to New Zealand report

 Laughing owl- (whekau)


The Laughing owl belongs to the Sceloglaux family. The other word for Laughing owl is Whekau.


Laughing-owls are about twice the size of a morepork, that means that the laughing owl is about 58 to 60 cm tall. Each feather has a brown centre almost to the tip and a board edge. Adults are dark brown with buff-yellow colored feathers.


Laughing owls live in both open country and forested areas. They rested in caves or rock faces and on rock ledges.


The laughing owl feed on lizards, small birds, insects. They have developed study legs for chasing prey on foot, thus a ground feeder. It was abundant  around 1845 and within 40 years, this mysterious bird had disappeared.


introduced predators to the laughing-owl are dog, cat, rats. The Laughing owl became extinct in the early 20th century. the last know bird was found dead on the road at blue cliffs station.

Tuesday, 18 August 2020

Make your own version of the Titanoboa snake

Yesterday and today I was learning learning about the biggest snake in the whole wide world which is a Titanoboa it was so big it is up to 13 meters long that's the size of  average bus today. and we got told to make one of our own snake.

I found it easy to come up with the snake's ability and what it does.

I found it tricky to make all the facts about the snake fit into one place, because I had to keep moving it to see if it would fit. 

My digital learning object shows that I can use my imagination during work and make my work a lot better and cooler.

Monday, 17 August 2020

Math times tables

 Today I was learning my mathematics. from this game it told me to learn 7x12. 

I found it tricky because we we had a short amount of time.

I found it easy because I already practice all of my times tables new them off by heart.

My digital learning object shows that I can type and write my times tables very fast.

Friday, 14 August 2020

Faith and Whakapono Gif

 Two weeks ago we started making a Faith gif because our term value was Faith.

I found it tricky to make my google slides about Faith into a gif.

I found it easy to search up images and put it on my blog.

My digital learning object shows that I can upgrade learning and make interesting gif. Which is the moving gif down below.

Bird Feeder Design

 This week I am designing and building a bird feeder this is my reading task this week.

I found it easy to put speech bubbles and tell people why they are there.

I found it hard to take a photo of it from my book and insert it into a Google Drawings.

My learning object shows that I can upgrade my learning and in what I can do.

In the middle of the drawing there is a hole that has the bird food in it. Birds are aloud to eat dried oats, cheese, but their not aloud porridge because it will make their mouth stick together and they won't be able to eat or drink, their also not aloud to drink milk.

Thursday, 6 August 2020

Penguin Fact File

This week for reading I have been learning about penguins.  for out task this week I have done a penguin fact file.
I found it easy to read a book about penguins and writing it down on my fact file.
I found it hard to put sentences from the book into my own words and sentences.
My digital learning object shows that I can report on my learning.

Thursday, 30 July 2020

July reflection

We are reflecting on the learning that we did in july.
I found it easy to take a selfie of myself.
I found it hard to find the maori word for geckos.
My digital learning object shows that I can reflect on what I did in July.

Wednesday, 22 July 2020

David Walliams Fact File

This week we have been learning about a book written by David Williams. It is called slime the task was to do a fact file about him.
I found it tricky to find and write all of the information and facts about him down using google slides.
I found it easy to put a Dynamic fact about him.
My digital learning object shows that I can use word art and text boxes in a fact file.

Faith Whakapono

St Marys Senior class have got given a challenge for R.E.
I found it tricky to find quotes from the Bible.
I found it easy to insert images on my google slides and find a picture about faith.
My digital learning object shows that I can use tools on google drive .

lion Report

Yesterday we have the been learning about how to write a report on an animal that comes from New Zealand. For this task we had to a put together a level 3 writing report that is cut up, this report was based on a lion that my teacher wrote.
I found it tricky to get all of the sentences and put them together and read over it to make sure that it made sense. I also found it tricky to pair the sentences in paragraphs.
I found it easy to use a pink highlighter and highlight the words that I thought was wrong in the report.
My digital learning object shows that I can use reports in my writing that have classification, description, and a dynamic fact.

Wednesday, 1 July 2020

Matariki stars

We are learning about the Matariki stars.
I found it tricky to colour all the stars and write down the words on them.
I found it easy to glue all the stars together.
My digital learning object shows that I can use wonderful colours.

June Reflection

We are reflecting on our June work.
I found it tricky to write our maths for june.
I found it easy to take a selfie.
My digital learning object shows that I can reflect on june.

Tuesday, 30 June 2020


We have some students teachers from Auckland University. They can't come to our class because of COVID-19 so they are putting some Maths on our Class Site.
We are learning about decimals and how they are used in real life.
I found it easy to say the decimals.
I found it tricky to understand the instructions on the practice site. It didn't say to click on the dice or the question mark but Logan had worked it out and told me.

Monday, 29 June 2020

Pattern ball

We are learning to communicate and work as a team.
For pattern ball we had three balls and we were not aloud to give the to some one next to us. First we started with a pink ball that we had to throw and had to make sure that no one got missed out. So we got our second ball which was a soccer ball that we had to bounce on the ground we also made no one get left out. So now we were onto our third ball it wa s a rugby ball and we had to pass it to everyone and no one got missed out.

To communicate we had to call out names so people would know who we are passing to.
My team found it easy to call out names.
My team found it hard and catch the rugby ball.

Friday, 26 June 2020


We are learning about Matariki in reading.
I found it tricky to copy the flipgrid link and put it on my blog.
I found it easy to post it on my blog.
My digital learning object shows that I can use for bread to take a video of myself talking.

Thursday, 25 June 2020


This week we have been learning about Matariki.
W.A.L.T use visual language features such as charts or maps to extend or clarify meaning and to engage our audience.
I found it easy put the names of all the 9 stars on my google docs.                       
I found it hard to read the article about Matariki and put it in my own words and make a paragraph out of it.
My digital learning object shows that I can use text boxes in my writing. 

What is Matariki?
Matariki is a Maori new year that people celebrate for tradition and to a celebration in New Zealand. Matariki is the Maori name of the cluster of stars and only comes in June/July and you can only see it in the night sky and also tells us about new life.

How many stars does matariki have?
Well according to the legend it said that there were 7 but when you have a telescope you can actually see two more so there is 9.
The person that found out there was 9 was Dr Rangi Matamua. He had been learning about Matariki for over 30 years.

The nine Matariki stars

The Matariki stars signifies hope, reflection and connection of the environment and health. Matariki is a continent and also tells us about the 9 stars.
Pohutukawa has a connection with the people that have passed on in their life.
Waiti is connected with freshwater and bodies and the food sources.
Waita is associated with the ocean and food sources with in it (kia moana)
Waipuna-a-rangi is connected with the rain.
Tupuanuku is the star connected in the area that grows within the soil to be harvested or gathered for food.
Tupuarangi is connected with everything that grows up in the trees, fruits, berries and birds.
Ururangi is the star connected with be winds. 
Hiwaiterangi is the star connected with granting our wishes, and realising our aspirations for the coming year.

Finding Matariki – Kiwi Conservation Club

Monday, 22 June 2020

Times Table

We are learning our times tables.
We are learning learning 2 each week.
This week I am learning 12x9 and 9x6

Thursday, 18 June 2020

Helpers and Hinders

For the past week we have been learning to combine sources of information with developing confidence to identity, form, and express ideas.
I found it tricky to find and come up with facts about helps and hinders.
I found it easy to make a t-chart and pick a background and also writing the facts down.
My digital learning object shows that I can put colours on Google slides and use different fonts.
Next time I would change the colour of the t-chart and change the colour of the fonts.

Comic Strips of Ahmets Journey

For the past week we have been learning about how to do a comic strip and did it about this book that we have been reading about a refugee. It is called The Boy at the Back of the Class. We had to use speech bubbles, pictures, maps and text boxes.
I found it tricky to find all of the pictures that match what Ahmet's journey was about.
I found it easy to add speech bubbles and maps.
My digital learning object shows that I can use comic strips in my writing.
Next time I would change some pictures and swicth them with text boxes.

Wednesday, 17 June 2020

Transubstantiation, Corpus Christi

For the past 2 days we were learning about Transubstantiation, corpus christi.
I found it tricky to find all of the meanings of Corpus Christi, transubstantiation, Corpus Christi in Latin.
I found it easy to put it on a google drawing and bling it up.
next time I would change the background and the font.

Friday, 12 June 2020

How Gravity Works - Explanation Writing

For the past week I was learning about gravity
In Writing we have been learning how to paragraph.
I found it hard to write everything on my Blogger
I found it easy to remember what I wrote down
Next time I would change the order of my paragraphs
Have you ever wondered why you jump in the air and you don't go floating into space?
Well it's gravity. It is a force that keeps you in the ground. If you throw something into the air it will come back down eventually .

Did you know that a Boink or you might call it a chinese finger trap uses gravity? If you pinch the top, push it down it will go in the air. The Earth’s gravity will pull it down.

Dropper a Popper
When you have a Dropper Popper  you get a dome and flip it inside out the dome. When you drop it, it will fly into the air. But Gravity will take it back like the Earth’s force. 

Thursday, 11 June 2020

Boinks And Dropper Popper

We were learning to use  dropper popper and boinks.
I found it hard to edit it.
I found it easy to remember what we did on the boinks and dropper poppers.
next time I would change the words that I put down on my sides.

Tuesday, 9 June 2020

The Holy Trinity

Today I was learning about Trinity Sunday. The Holy Trinity is like an apple because God protects us like skin protects the apple.
The flesh is like Jesus because he nourishes  us in his ways.
The core of an apple. Like the seeds are the Holy Spirit planting the fruit of the Holy Spirit.

Monday, 8 June 2020

May Reflection

Today I was learning to remember most things that I did in May.
I found it hard to think of some trivia questions.
I found it easy to take a screenshot of my self.
Next time I would change my answers.

Bling My Blog

Today I was learning how to customise our new blogger that we are using at the moment.
I found it easy to listen to all of the instractions & figure out what to do.
I found it hard to put eveything in order.
Next time I would change the background.

Friday, 5 June 2020

Learning What Homophones Are

W.A.L.T recognising Homophones
There means it is a place, like hey lets go over there.
Their means it belongs to someone like, look at their dog.
They're means they & are but put together, like they're go to the playground.

Wednesday, 3 June 2020


 what the flame mean
it is about how all of jesus' disciples waited and In a house, on Pentecost day. A strong wind came, then there was flames over all of their heads. when they talked they spoke different languages to tell other people about God.

Tuesday, 2 June 2020

Making A Closed Curcuit

W.A.L.T  make a closed circuit
My group found it easy to connect all the wires to a battery
My group found it tricky to connect all the wires to a light bulb
Next time we would want more time

Friday, 29 May 2020

Learning About Dolphins

For the past two weeks I was learning about dolphins and what they do. I enjoyed watching videos about them. I found it challenging to read all the facts.

I found it easy to put the facts into my own words.

Thursday, 28 May 2020

Hail Mary Sign Launguage

This month I was learning to do Hail Mary in sign language
I enjoyed learning the Hail Mary
I found it challenging to remember all of the steps
I found it easy to put it on my blog

Raking Leaves

Today I was learning how to add more similes in my writing
I enjoyed post it on my blog
I found it challenging to add more similes
My digital learning object shows how to do a recount
Next time I would change the background

Monday, 25 May 2020

Jesus Asending to Heaven

Today I was learning about how Jesus Ascended to Heaven.
I enjoyed uploading pictures and putting them into place.
I found it challenging to remember what happened.
My digital learning object shows when jesus Ascended to Heaven.
Next time I would change the background and Jesus quote.